B +ve

Thursday, February 07, 2008

There is no god; if there is one, its google

Looking at the title of the article, one of my friends commented 'how much google is paying you for this'? Well, by using google I don't mean 'google' per se, but google is a symbolic use here to represent facilities on internet.

Let us not discuss the first part of the assertion i.e. whether there is god or not - the age old debate between the theists and the atheists, and probably the longest one in human civilization. The theist ones have every right to disagree, but assuming that my personal opinion lets move on to the issue of analogy of google with god.

First, what does god supposedly do? One of the major practical contribution of god is s/he acts as a helping hand emotionally (per sure) and physically (debatable) at the time of need. Doesn't google do the same? Let us ask ourselves. What you, I or anybody spending considerable time in front of a pc does at the time of crisis. We do a ‘google’. Here I am not saying about all the countrymen of which 65% farmers. But I am telling about those 7% computer users, for whom google comes as savior at the time of any kind of trouble. From school kids, to advanced researchers and professors google to keep themselves updated with the available materials. Not only in studies, for each and every requirement like to locate a place in a map, or to read a story of O Henry, or to download a freeware google is invariably used. Virtually, google is the window to peep into the world of knowledge. Of course, it is not the knowledge itself. But it acts as the facilitator. Well, here theists would opine god is not only attributed for knowledge, but also for the reason of our existence. So, yes, to that extent google has not replaced god, but yes it has replaced the role of god as facilitator. It has made the progress of life easier, helping computer users in innumerable ways. It is not surprising to see 'google' appearing as a verb in standard English dictionaries.

After completing above paragrapghs, to substantiate my views further, I checked on google with the exact phrase "google is god" (in quotes) for reference. To my surprise I got as many as 25100 web links. That means the exact phrase has been used so many different times in past. This assures, I am not saying anything new and a lot of material is already available on the theme of godliness of google. So friends better for me to stop, and for you - who tend to agree or disagree on what I say - to see for yourself in the google.
Happy googling!!!


  • LOL:) New God FAQ..

    Q: So who is founder of God?
    A: Larry Page and Sergey Brin.

    Q: Who is Saitan?
    Microsoft Google's number one enemy:)

    Q: If Google is Ram (God) and MSFT is Ravan (Saitan), then who is Sheeta?


    By Blogger Parsuram Panigrahi, at 9:14 AM  

  • Yes, what you have commented is creative particularly the coorelataion of Ram-Sheeta-Ravan upakhyan to Google-Yahoo-MS is excellent...:)

    But on a defensive note, google is a symbolic use and it stands for all - yahoo, MS, google and many more :).

    Thanks buddy... I saw your writings on open source- liked them... put the same in my fav links. Hope, u dont object :).

    By Blogger Hippu Salk Kristle Nathan, at 5:48 AM  

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