How big our heart is!
Do you remember the first scene of the movie "Mera Naam Joker" (Superstar Raj Kapoor's one of the best). The film starts with a stage show in which a doctor (veteran actor Om Prakash) lifts the unwilling patient (the Joker - Raj Kapoor) to the operation table for a heart surgery. Following is the dialogue exchange between the patient and doctor -
patient:- Why I am being operated. I am completely allright. Perfectly healthy.
doctor:- No no, u have serious problem at ur "dil" (heart).
patient:- what problem?
doctor:- Your "dil" (heart) is 'big' - not fitting to this 'small' society.
patient:- But then, why to operate my heart, why not operate the society!!!
But as u know the doctor does not oblidge... takes out that big red heart from the joker...
and the joker dances holding his heart with the song "Jeena yahan marna yahan" (life is here and death is here), and the heart drops on the floor from a height and breaks into number of pieces... and the story unfolds.
The important inference is, we all need to be big-hearted joker patient. And if we find narrow mindedness in the surrounding meddling in our pursuit, then we need not change ourselves, rather we should try at our level best to change the society in the desired way. Now, the important question is 'what that big heart is?'. To me having a big heart is to love our fellow human beings irrespective of the 'birth bondage' or any 'economic-politico-circumstantial barriers'. If we are not able to do that, we need to change from within and to work towards making our heart 'big' to accomadate everybody.
patient:- Why I am being operated. I am completely allright. Perfectly healthy.
doctor:- No no, u have serious problem at ur "dil" (heart).
patient:- what problem?
doctor:- Your "dil" (heart) is 'big' - not fitting to this 'small' society.
patient:- But then, why to operate my heart, why not operate the society!!!
But as u know the doctor does not oblidge... takes out that big red heart from the joker...
and the joker dances holding his heart with the song "Jeena yahan marna yahan" (life is here and death is here), and the heart drops on the floor from a height and breaks into number of pieces... and the story unfolds.
The important inference is, we all need to be big-hearted joker patient. And if we find narrow mindedness in the surrounding meddling in our pursuit, then we need not change ourselves, rather we should try at our level best to change the society in the desired way. Now, the important question is 'what that big heart is?'. To me having a big heart is to love our fellow human beings irrespective of the 'birth bondage' or any 'economic-politico-circumstantial barriers'. If we are not able to do that, we need to change from within and to work towards making our heart 'big' to accomadate everybody.
Perfectly healthy thought ... I wish it could be true for all.
But, as you see in the movie, the joker makes everyone laugh, but its own life is ruined. Nobody is ready to pay this price!!
The patient-doctor conversation made me to recall a funny mythological story. Long ago there were two brothers. They both realized that it was very painful to walk on the rough ground underneath them. They thought of doing something for it. One of them went ahead to cover all ground with carpet and the other covered his own foot-- The first one thought like the joker and the second one is what we are...!
Yes Vikash, I heard the carpet story in a different context where one who found the footwear was hailed and the other one was presented as a fool. But before downplaying the wit of the one who tried to cover the earth with carpet we must ponder his genuine fellow feeling. With a carpet on the ground not only his feet are saved, so also others. He symbolizes the persons who are equally concerned about others' problems.
Hippu Salk Kristle Nathan, at 10:54 AM
Dear frnds,
while one talk of movie and other the mythological story, it reminds me of Kautilya's story- the very incident which changed the history. Here I will not go detail in to the history but only story. Kautilya was walking bare footed and some thorns of weed plants pinched him. Then he decided to eradicate all the weeds in that region. While removing the weed plants, a Senadhipati saw him and asked him why he was doing so. On explaining, he started laughing, saying "you must be a fool. You can well avoid thorns just by use foot wear". Then Kautilya replied, I can use foot wear and get rid of these thorns, but there are millions of poor who can not offered to buy slippers. So, I am doing a bit for the man kind. This impressed the Senadhipati, who takes kautilya to the Maharaja and rest is history.
Dear! If you people wish I can narrate another inspiring story in this line.
K.B.Vedamurthy, at 6:25 AM
Vedamurty jee - thanks for your learned views...yes i am interested for your other story :).
Hippu Salk Kristle Nathan, at 9:29 PM
Yes, Hippu jee, the other story goes like this..
In one fine evening when people were enjoying the beach, a high tide hits shore. When the water retreats, many fishes could not find there way back in to the sea, thus battling between life and death.
As many people were witnessing the struggle of these fishes, one gentleman starts picking up the fishes from the shore and start throughing them in to sea. Another man approaches him, and asks him ' hello gentleman, how many fishes can u save? there are thousands of them. What difference it will make if u save only a few??'
For this he replies very coolly, " don't ask me what difference it will make. Please, go and ask that fish which I have saved. It will say the difference. The difference for that fish is the difference btw life and death"
The moral of story is again, "You may not change whole world by yourself, but you can at least bring some changes in the life of few ".
K.B.Vedamurthy, at 4:35 AM
Thank you for this story. I have quoted this story to many.
Hippu Salk Kristle Nathan, at 6:35 AM
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