Tomorrow is busier than today
This is not a mere assertion, but a conclusion I am making based on my own experiences with self and with others. Many things in life, which I postponed thinking to take them up at a later date - when I would be relatively free - remains undone for ever. On the contrary, quite a few things which I forced myself to do in spite of seemingly hectic schedule worked out well in the end. I had similar experiences with people who have assisted me in PeFSSED. Many friends, who genuinely felt that they are tied up at present for a genuine reason, and they can contribute more to the organization on a later date, have admitted that they have actually moved to a busier schedule with time.
Indeed with every new day, we get to interact with new people, encounter new situations - which make the cobweb of life further knitted and complex. During childhood days, for all the 24 hours, we, the typical middle class, have to do two typical things - i. Curricular (Study) ii. Non-curricular (play, paint and poetry). Many other activities though are related to us but are taken care by our parents and other care takers. We have got few friends - all of them are only from school and colony, less are the isuses, and few are the dreams.
Though we tend to forget things of past, but we tend to remember things which bear high relevance for us beyond its temporal and spatial dimension. And with time, these significant things keep increasing. As full grown adults our 24 hours are not the same as of a kid going to school and back at home study and play. As adults, dreams are many - as it has piled up since childhood days to youthful times; day to day challenges are numerous - because of the actions and reactions in response to both things of past and present. List of activities increases with every day. Managing 24 hours become more and more difficult with passing time. Hence people become busier day by day.
This monotonicity of busyness with time is in line with physics law of entropy or second law of thermodynamics which says - Entropy (disorderliness) of the universe can only increase. Similarly, I feel busyness can only increase with time. Postponing soft tasks, which may be penning a passage or extending a helping hand, with the expectation of an idler tomorrow is like running after a mirage as tomorrow can only be busier than today.
Indeed with every new day, we get to interact with new people, encounter new situations - which make the cobweb of life further knitted and complex. During childhood days, for all the 24 hours, we, the typical middle class, have to do two typical things - i. Curricular (Study) ii. Non-curricular (play, paint and poetry). Many other activities though are related to us but are taken care by our parents and other care takers. We have got few friends - all of them are only from school and colony, less are the isuses, and few are the dreams.
Though we tend to forget things of past, but we tend to remember things which bear high relevance for us beyond its temporal and spatial dimension. And with time, these significant things keep increasing. As full grown adults our 24 hours are not the same as of a kid going to school and back at home study and play. As adults, dreams are many - as it has piled up since childhood days to youthful times; day to day challenges are numerous - because of the actions and reactions in response to both things of past and present. List of activities increases with every day. Managing 24 hours become more and more difficult with passing time. Hence people become busier day by day.
This monotonicity of busyness with time is in line with physics law of entropy or second law of thermodynamics which says - Entropy (disorderliness) of the universe can only increase. Similarly, I feel busyness can only increase with time. Postponing soft tasks, which may be penning a passage or extending a helping hand, with the expectation of an idler tomorrow is like running after a mirage as tomorrow can only be busier than today.
Being a youth, childhood always looks rosy. One can always stand today and complain about his/her yesterday, but not today. Lessons learnt from past are good, but they never critique present rather they always blame past only. Part of the problem is that we always act as if we are to remain till the period we can think of. Be it unconsciously, but we always compare an unlimited future with a limited past- so there we are, saying something and doing differently.
Losses loom larger than gains- so they teach us lessons, but how often these lessons get converted into actions may be something to think of...!!!!!
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